Calendar / 27 Jul / Multiplier Event in Rome (IT)

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CIOFS-FP is organizaing a dissemination event in Rome for the next 27th July 2017 for the promotion of the main outputs of the prioject to national-level stakeholders. Specifically, participants will learn about:

- the European Peer Review methodology adapted to Adult Learning (IO2 & IO3)

- the results of its piloting in 5 European countries as reported and analysed in the Qualitative Analysis (IO4)

- the Reccomendations for quality assurance in Adult Learning, with a focus on the role that the European Peer Review could play.



Associazione Nazionale CIOFS-FP

Via di San Saba, 14

- the European Peer Review methodology adapted to Adult Learning (IO2 & IO3)

- the results of its piloting in 5 European countries as reported and analysed in the Qualitative Analysis (IO4)

- the Reccomendations for quality assurance in Adult Learning, with a focus on the role that the European Peer Review could play.



Associazione Nazionale CIOFS-FP

Via di San Saba, 14